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public:performance:office_365_run_on_cbs [2020/03/11 17:33]
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-====== Performance for Office 365 Backup Run on AhsayCBS ====== 
-This article contains the performance testing result for Ahsay'​s Office 365 backup running on AhsayCBS Server. We also used Veeam v4 as the benchmark to see how our solution stacks up. 
-The following table illustrates the various use cases of Office 365 backup scenarios, their initial backup time, respective data size growth and the subsequent incremental backup time etc. for run-on-server backup configuration based on the below system configurations. 
-  * Application:​ CBS V8.3.2.11 
-  * Device: VM B16ms on Azure (East Asia) 
-  * CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2673 v4@2.30GHz (No. of Processors: 16) 
-  * Memory: 64GB RAM  
-  * Storage: Standard SSD 
-  * OS: Linux (centos 7.7.1908) for Ahsay / Windows Server 2019 for Veeam 
-^ Case ^ Description ^ Initial Full Backup ^ In-File Delta Incremental Backup ^ 
-| 1. | O365 Email + OneDrive files backup | **No. of users:** 50 (each with 1GB email and 7GB OneDrive files) \\ **Data Size:** 400GB (50GB of emails and 350GB of OneDrive files) \\ **Time Used by Ahsay:** 11 hr 40 min  \\ **Time Used by Veeam v4:** 16 hr 10 min | **Data Change:** 10% increase \\ **Time Used by Ahsay:** 4 hr 22 min  \\ **Time Used by Veeam v4:**  1 h 32 min | 
-| 2. | O365 Email backup | **No. of users:** 50 (each with 1GB email) \\ **Data Size:** 50GB \\ **Time Used by Ahsay:** 2 hr 25 min  \\ **Time Used by Veeam v4:** 3 hr 55 min | **Data Change:** 10% increase \\ **Time Used by Ahsay:** 1 hr 36 min  \\ **Time Used by Veeam v4:** 24 min | 
-| 3. | OneDrive files backup | **No. of users:** 50 (each with 7GB OneDrive files) \\ **Data Size:** 50GB \\ **Time Used by Ahsay:** 9 hr 15 min   \\ **Time Used by Veeam v4:** 14 hr 54 min| **Data Change:** 10% increase \\ **Time Used by Ahsay:** 2 hr 46 min   \\ **Time Used by Veeam v4:** 1 hr 31 min| 
public/performance/office_365_run_on_cbs.1583919206.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/11 17:33 by ronnie.chan

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