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public:synology_nas [2019/08/13 16:30]
public:synology_nas [2023/06/19 10:35] (current)
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-====== AhsayOBM ​Agent for Synology NAS ======+====== AhsayOBM for Synology NAS ======
-For Synology NAS devices, we have dedicated AhsayOBM agents for directly installation on the NAS devices to backup files with the NAS. You can also map the NAS device as a network share and back it up with AhsayOBM / AhsayACB ​running ​on another machine.+ 
 +For Synology NAS devices, we have dedicated AhsayOBM agents for directly installation on the NAS devices to backup files with the NAS. The special backup agent provides a comprehensive backup solution for backing up file(s) and folder(s) on Synology NAS machine to a wide variety of backup destinations (major cloud storage service providers, FTP/SFTP, local drive, etc.) of your choice. 
 +===== System Architecture ===== 
 +Below is the system architecture diagram illustrating the major elements involved in the backup process among the backup machine, AhsayOBM on Synology and AhsayCBS. 
 +===== Requirements ===== 
 +==== Hardware Requirements ====  
 +For the list of Synology NAS models, DiskStation Manager (DSM) version and hardware requirement,​ refer to: [[[[public:​version_9:​start_here:​9001_ahsay_hardware_compatibility_list_synology_nas|Ahsay Hardware Requirement List for AhsayOBM on Synology NAS]] 
 +==== Software Requirements ==== 
 +For the list of compatible operating systems, refer to: [[public:​version_9:​start_here:​9005_ahsay_software_compatibility_list_scl_for_version_9.1_or_above|Ahsay Software Compatibility List (SCL)]] 
 +For the list of compatible operating system for OpenDirect and Granular Restore, refer to: [[public:​version_9:​start_here:​9006_ahsay_scl_for_granular_and_opendirect_restore_v9|Ahsay Software Compatibility List (SCL) for Granular and OpenDirect Restore]] 
 +====  AhsayOBM Installation ====  
 +The latest version of AhsayOBM must be installed on the Synology NAS.  
 +==== NAS-Synology Add-on Module ====  
 +The NAS-Synology add-on module is enabled in your AhsayOBM user account to cover the backup of your Synology NAS devices. The NAS-Synology add-on module supports the backup of an unlimited number of devices per AhsayOBM user account.  
 +==== Java Requirement ====  
 +In v9 the Oracle Java JDK files are already included and deployed as part of the AhsayOBM installation. 
 +==== Memory Requirement ====  
 +The default Java heap size of AhsayOBM installation on Synology NAS is 256 MB. It is recommended that 1 GB RAM or more is installed for stability and better backup / restore performance. 
 +==== Synology NAS User Account Permission ====  
 +The Synology NAS user account used for the AhsayOBM installation and application must be a member of “administrators” user group. 
 +==== Synology NAS Trust Level ====  
 +In the General tab, modify the Trust Level setting by choosing Any publisher. 
 +===== Download AhsayOBM from AhsayCBS Web Console onto Synology NAS ===== 
 +==== Step 1 === 
 +In a web browser, click the blue icon on the top right corner to open the download page for the AhsayOBM installation package file from your backup service provider’s website. \\ {{public:​ahsay_wiki_software_synology_requirement_06.png?​640}} 
 +==== Step 2 === 
 +In the Synology section under the AhsayOBM tab of the download page, download the AhsayOBM SPK online installer of the DSM version you are using. ​ \\ {{public:​ahsay_wiki_software_synology_requirement_08.png}} 
 +===== Installation ===== 
 +==== Step 1 === 
 +Sign into DiskStation Manager (DSM) with the admin account. In a web browser, enter the Synology NAS device IP address, followed by :5000 \\  
 +<WRAP info> 
 +Refer to the following Synology article for information on how to sign into DSM: \\ [[https://​​en-us/​knowledgebase/​DSM/​help/​DSM/​MainMenu/​get_started]] 
 +==== Step 2 === 
 +To install AhsayOBM on Synology NAS, click the Package Center icon from the desktop. \\ {{public:​ahsay_wiki_software_synology_requirement_09.png?​150}} 
 +==== Step 3 === 
 +When the Package Center window appears, select Manual Install. ​ \\ {{public:​ahsay_wiki_software_synology_requirement_10.png?​640}} 
 +==== Step 4 === 
 +When the Manual Install window appears, click Browse to select the AhsayOBM SPK file which you have downloaded (e.g. obm-synology-443-backup service provider IP address-https-0O.spk). Then, click Next to proceed. ​  \\ {{public:​ahsay_wiki_software_synology_requirement_11.png?​640}} 
 +==== Step 5 === 
 +Click Agree in the confirmation message to proceed. \\ {{public:​ahsay_wiki_software_synology_requirement_11a.png?​640}} 
 +==== Step 6 === 
 +After reading the License Agreement carefully, tick the checkbox next to I accept the terms of the license agreement. Then, click Next to proceed. ​ \\ {{public:​ahsay_wiki_software_synology_requirement_12.png?​640}} 
 +==== Step 7 === 
 +Copy and paste the URL information for installing on Synology shown in the download page. Then, click Next to proceed. ​ \\ {{public:​ahsay_wiki_software_synology_requirement_13.png}} ​ \\ {{public:​ahsay_wiki_software_synology_requirement_14.png?​640}} 
 +==== Step 8 === 
 +Review the information on screen. Then, click Done to start the installation of AhsayOBM. ​   \\ {{public:​ahsay_wiki_software_synology_requirement_15.png?​640}} 
 +==== Step 9 === 
 +Upon successful installation,​ Ahsay Online Backup Manager will be listed in the Installed packages. ​ \\ {{public:​ahsay_wiki_software_synology_requirement_16.png?​640}} 
 +==== Step 10 === 
 +Click the Main Menu icon on the top left corner of your desktop. ​  \\ {{public:​ahsay_wiki_software_synology_requirement_17.png}} 
 +==== Step 11 === 
 +You can click the AhsayOBM icon to launch the application. ​  \\ {{public:​ahsay_wiki_software_synology_requirement_18.png}} 
 +==== Step 12 === 
 +Revert the Trust Level to the previous setting in Package Center afterward. ​  
 +===== AhsayOBM Scheduler Service Check ===== 
 +This option is used to kick automated or scheduled backup jobs. To start, login to Synology ​NAS device ​using ssh client, i.e. putty. 
 +Go to the **/​volume1/​@appstore/​AhsayOBM/​obm/​bin** directory. 
 +To check if the AhsayOBM scheduler service is running, use the **ps** command. 
 +<WRAP prewrap>​ 
 +login as: admin 
 +admin@'​s password: 
 +admin@dev-ds215j:​~$ cd /​volume1/​@appstore/​AhsayOBM/​obm/​bin 
 +admin@dev-ds215j:/​volume1/​@appstore/​AhsayOBM/​obm/​bin$ ps -ef|grep java 
 +root 15083 1 0 May14 ? 00:03:05 /​volume1/​@appstore/​AhsayOBM/​obm/​jvm/​bin/​java -Xrs -Xms64m -Xmx373m -Dsun.nio.PageAlignDirectMemory=true -Djava.library.path=. -cp .:./cb.jar WuiService /​volume1/​@appstore/​AhsayOBM/​obm/​volume1/​@appstore/​AhsayOBM/​.obm --port=32168 
 +admin 16343 15411 0 08:56 pts/3 00:00:00 grep --color=auto java 
 +admin 20925 1 1 May14 ? 00:11:46 /​volume1/​@appstore/​AhsayOBM/​obm/​jvm/​bin/​java -Xms64m -Xmx256m -Dsun.nio.PageAlignDirectMemory=true -Djava.library.path=. -cp .:./cbs.jar cbs /​volume1/​@appstore/​AhsayOBM/​obm 
 +Scheduler service is running as shown above (starting from "admin 20925..."​). 
 +==== Stop the Scheduler Service Manually ==== 
 +To manually stop the scheduler service, use the **touch /​volume1/​@appstore/​AhsayOBM/​obm/​ipc/​Scheduler/​stop** script. 
 +Use the **ps** command again. 
 +<WRAP prewrap>​ 
 +admin@dev-ds215j:/​volume1/​@appstore/​AhsayOBM/​obm/​bin$ touch /​volume1/​@appstore/​AhsayOBM/​obm/​ipc/​Scheduler/​stop 
 +admin@dev-ds215j:/​volume1/​@appstore/​AhsayOBM/​obm/​bin$ ps -ef|grep java 
 +root 15083 1 0 May14 ? 00:03:05 /​volume1/​@appstore/​AhsayOBM/​obm/​jvm/​bin/​java -Xrs -Xms64m -Xmx373m -Dsun.nio.PageAlignDirectMemory=true -Djava.library.path=. -cp .:./cb.jar WuiService /​volume1/​@appstore/​AhsayOBM/​obm /​volume1/​@appstore/​AhsayOBM/​.obm --port=32168 
 +admin 16479 15411 0 08:58 pts/3 00:00:00 grep --color=auto java 
 +==== Start the Scheduler Service Manually ==== 
 +To manually start the scheduler service, use **/​volume1/​@appstore/​AhsayOBM/​bin/​** script ​and use the **ps** command. 
 +<WRAP prewrap>​ 
 +admin@dev-ds215j:/​volume1/​@appstore/​AhsayOBM/obm/bin$ /​volume1/​@appstore/​AhsayOBM/​obm/​bin/​ 
 +admin@dev-ds215j:/​volume1/​@appstore/​AhsayOBM/​obm/​bin$ ps -ef|grep java 
 +root 15083 1 0 May14 ? 00:03:05 /​volume1/​@appstore/​AhsayOBM/​obm/​jvm/​bin/​java -Xrs -Xms64m -Xmx373m -Dsun.nio.PageAlignDirectMemory=true -Djava.library.path=. -cp .:./cb.jar WuiService /​volume1/​@appstore/​AhsayOBM/​obm /​volume1/​@appstore/​AhsayOBM/​.obm --port=32168 
 +admin 16583 1 8 08:58 pts/3 00:00:16 /​volume1/​@appstore/​AhsayOBM/​obm/​jvm/​bin/​java -Xms64m -Xmx256m -Dsun.nio.PageAlignDirectMemory=true -Djava.library.path=. -cp .:./cbs.jar cbs /​volume1/​@appstore/​AhsayOBM/​obm 
 +admin 16962 15411 0 09:02 pts/3 00:00:00 grep --color=auto java 
 +Scheduler service is running. 
 ===== Demo ===== ===== Demo =====
Line 9: Line 157:
 <iframe width="​640"​ height="​350"​ src="​https://​​embed/​IkVzzqtglj8"​ frameborder="​0"​ allow="​accelerometer;​ autoplay; encrypted-media;​ gyroscope; picture-in-picture"​ allowfullscreen></​iframe>​ <iframe width="​640"​ height="​350"​ src="​https://​​embed/​IkVzzqtglj8"​ frameborder="​0"​ allow="​accelerometer;​ autoplay; encrypted-media;​ gyroscope; picture-in-picture"​ allowfullscreen></​iframe>​
 </​html>​ </​html>​
 ===== Documentation ===== ===== Documentation =====
Line 21: Line 171:
 ===== Issues ===== ===== Issues =====
-  * [[public:​5242_issue:​invalid_license_error_is_shown_when_logging_into_ahsayobm_on_a_synology_nas_device|“Invalid license” error is shown when logging into AhsayOBM on a Synology NAS device ​ ]]+  * [[public:​5242_issue:​invalid_license_error_is_shown_when_logging_into_ahsayobm_on_a_synology_nas_device|“Invalid license” error is shown when logging into AhsayOBM on a Synology NAS device]] 
public/synology_nas.1565685005.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/08/13 16:30 by ronnie.chan

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