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Ahsay Backup Software

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FAQ: What is the different between backup mode 'Sequential' and 'Concurrent'?

The main different between them are how backup data are uploaded to the backup destinations.


The backup job will upload the backup data to the selected backup destination one by one (e.g. sequentially). Data will be first uploaded to the first backup destination in the list (list in the destination setting of the backup set), and once that is completed, data will be uploaded to the next backup destination.

For example (both backup destinations are selected for the backup):

In the above example, data will first be uploaded to the OBS backup destination. When the upload is completed, data will be uploaded to the Local Drive backup destination.

Backup job in sequential mode is slower (in comparison to concurrent mode), but will take less resources (e.g. memory, CPU, bandwidth … etc.) of the client computer to complete.


The backup job will upload the backup data to the selected backup destination at the same time (e.g. concurrently).

For example (both backup destinations are selected for the backup):

In the above example, data will be uploaded to the OBS and Local Drive backup destination at the same time.

Backup job in concurrent mode is faster (in comparison to sequential mode), but will take up more resources (e.g. memory, CPU, bandwidth … etc.) of the client computer to complete.

You can configure the maximum number of concurrent backup destination.

public/sequential_concurrent_backup.txt · Last modified: 2019/08/09 14:51 by ronnie.chan

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