===== [V7] ISSUE: AhsayCBS web console [Monitoring] > [Redirection Logs] > [Activities Log] page shows "Error Status 500" and no backup reports are generated =====
Article ID: 5224
Reviewed: 2016-12-12

Product Version:
AhsayCBS: to 7.x
OS: All platforms

ATTENTION 1st January, 2022: v7 officially End-of-Life [details] ===== Problem Description ===== No backup reports are generated by AhsayCBS and clicking on the [Monitoring] > [Redirection Logs] > [Activities Log] page shows "Status Code : 500" error.

The %CBS_INSTALL%/conf/rdr-lic.json file on AhsayCBS contains NULL characters or is corrupted. Which will cause AhsayCBS is thrown exception messages when the file is read, this will cause the internal jobs responsible for generating backup reports to not startup properly.

===== Resolution ===== To resolve this issue:

  1. Stop the AhsayCBS Service.
  2. Go to %CBS_INSTALL%/conf folder.
  3. Rename the rdr-lic.json file as rdr-lic.json.bak .
  4. Start the AhsayCBS Service.
Once the AhsayCBS service has successfully restarted a new rdr-lic.json file will be automatically re-created.

===== Keywords ===== Status Code, backup report, Servlet Name, rdr-lic.json, AhsayCBS, Redirection Logs