===== [V7] ISSUE: xhost command not found error when running the RunConfigurator.sh script file ===== Article ID: 5090
Reviewed: 2015-12-28

Product Version:
AhsayOBM: to 7.x
OS: Linux ATTENTION 1st January, 2022: v7 officially End-of-Life [details] ===== Problem Description ===== When running the RunConfigurator.sh script file on a Linux computer, the following error message is received:

RunConfigurator.sh: line 35: xhost: command not found
Startup Ahsay Online Backup Manager ...
Config file found

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Configurator works properly even with the above error message. ===== Cause ===== This is a known issue with AhsayOBM - ===== Resolution ===== You can safely ignore the 'line 35: xhost: command not found' error message, Configurator is started correctly even with the mentioned error message.

To prevent the error message from displaying again, patch the AhsayOBM application to version or above. The instructions can be found by Clicking Here. ===== Keywords ===== xhost, command, linux, nix, gui